Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Recent #Lost Rant

A note to the writers of Lost: It's time to start looking for a new career path. Especially after you reveal that your entire structure is nothing more than a wet dream by 14 year old christian fundamentalist with massive hard-ons for morality plays masquerading for deep thought provoking Science-Fiction. Gentlemen, you suck holy donkey balls


Nicholas Charney said...

Blais - part of the rally challenge here, I notice the rebrand notice over in the right sidebar. When are we going to see you post about communities? This might be a good place to put it =)

Unknown said...

I still thought the ending the LOST brought some questions than answers.
Oh well, reason I am commenting is that thanks to the blog rally challenge. :)

Anonymous said...

Blaise - Have you considered posting your sci-fi book reviews and recommendations? I'd read that for sure! I thought the LOST ending was crap as well, but by then, I felt I'd already gotten what I needed to out of the series. It probably helped that I watched the first 5 seasons on my staycation last summer with a film theorist. ;) For me the series and characters were all about creating unnecessary opposition - "the others" - and the struggle to overcome our own baggage. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it and all that. Maybe there's a lesson for collaboration in there. I don't know. If there is, I'm sure you'll pull it out of the chaos and make order out of it.