Thursday, September 17, 2009

Am I a movie snob?

A close friend sent me an email, requesting my opinion on an upcoming release, and it got me pondering about the following question: Am I a movie snob. Here's the Q&A. I'll have you the reader decide if I was too arrogant in my Statements.

Hi Blaze,
did you see the ad for Surrogates?
I saw it and I thought 'What would Blaze think of this Bruce Willis come back?

Blaze would say: “Brucee, it’s time to rediscover the joy of golf and crossword puzzles, because quite frankly, after seeing Live free and Die hard, I think you’re too old for this shit!”

Yes, I’ve seen it, but I’m very skeptical of any sci-fi fox production this year, or any year for that matter. I think, I’m just sci-fied out. We had some very crummy movies this year, and I’m afraid the Surrogates might just add more parts to the robot junk pile. Also the director doesn’t really inspire much, with his past credits which include: Terminator 3 and U571 (Jon Bovi’s failed movie resurgence). But I might be wrong, it might be entertaining…(I’m not putting money on that)

Sorry if that craps your expectations of it, I’m just super selective, and highly skeptical with movie releases in September and January-February. There considered movie dump times, for pictures that have utterly failed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know you're picky about movies. Have you seen Twilight yet?!?